Blood type A at greater risk of coronavirus | Arriba Trends

Blood type A at greater risk of coronavirus


The outbreak of the coronavirus has spread its stretches all around the world and no corner seems to have escaped from the clutches of the deadly virus. While the reports stated that children and the elderly are more prone to be affected by the coronavirus, recent research has shown that people with blood type A are at greater risk.

A study was conducted recently which warns people with blood type A to be more careful as they are more susceptible to catch the disease. The gene that is largely responsible for determining the blood type is found to be associated with high chances of respiratory failure in patients who are suffering from the coronavirus. The researchers have finally found that having blood type A is correlated to an increase in the likelihood of the patient going on a ventilator by approximately 50 percent.

Separate studies have suggested that people with blood type O are more protected while those with blood type A are more susceptible to the pandemic. Even during the 2002-2003 Sars epidemic, the people with blood type A easily contracted the disease. As the Sars virus was closely linked to the coronavirus, it is being concluded that people with type A blood are at greater risk.

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