These days world is facing a tough time handling the deadly spread of COVID-19, the disease caused by a coronavirus. With the passing days, the situation instead of turning into normal has become worse. As the virus has marked its presence in each and every corner of the world and has not discriminated between rich or poor, powerful or powerless, crossing all the man made boundaries proving once again that, the basic struggle for health has remained the same all across the globe as it was several years earlier.
Struggling with the situation since months we have been eagerly waiting for the time to become normal once again. Within our minds the fear of virus has reached to such an extent that even a simple fever also gives us the doubt about the possible infection of COVID-19. Thus having a better understanding of the subject could help us a lot to face the situation with utmost confidence. So let us go through a brief about all the necessary details so that we could carry our lives during this pandemic situation.
What are the actual symptoms of the Covid-19?
To date, the symptoms related to the deadly virus have been changing. The virus pattern differs so much that the chances of a virus showing the symptoms are also less. People around the world are worried about the symptoms to diagnose themselves.
Here are few of the key symptoms registered till date.
- One can experience mild to moderate levels of respiratory problems. Easy recovery is possible from this situation.
- There are chances of a person suffering from fever.
- One can even experience cold and cough. The chances of transmission of the disease are higher due to the discharge through the nose or saliva droplets, while coughing and sneezing.
- Those under medical examinations, like the ones suffering from diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, respiratory problems, cancer, and those in old age need to take more precautions. They are the one who is prone to this deadly virus.
- The one experiencing a sore throat, headache, and nausea, should also consult the doctor as these can be seen as the symptoms of the deadly disease.
- Loss of smell and taste has also been registered as one of the symptoms.
- One can even experience the pain in muscles.
- It can even lead to the failure of the multiple organs of the body, ultimately leading to the death of the sufferer.
With the continued horror run of the pandemic throughout the world registering the record number of deaths in recent times, the matter of recovered patients have also emerged as a concern for the authorities.
As per reports, the battle of the patients doesn’t end with the end of the disease from their bodies. It is said that in few cases residue symptoms are also emerging leading to the additional suffering to the patients. So here is a list of few common symptoms which have been registered so far throughout the world.
- The patients do experience mental illness. Those who have recovered from the disease face post-intensive care syndrome.
- The one who is more in age may experience difficulty in getting back to their routine life activities.
- The patients even after recovery may face chronic pain and weakness in muscles.
- They may face problems in concentrating on the work. Somewhere it is also affecting the memory of the patient.
How can we protect ourselves from the disease?
To save ourselves from the disease, WHO has given the guidelines, which if followed properly can help you protect from the disease.
- The one who is suffering from the disease or show any symptoms should contact the medical authorities.
- It is suggested to the patients to keep themselves self-isolated so that it doesn’t spread to the others.
- The one who has come in contact with the one suffering should do a medical examination and should distance oneself from others for around 14 days.
- It is suggested to wear masks to protect from the disease and should maintain distance from each other.
- One should also make use of sanitisers when touching anything touched by the other person.
We all need to follow this lifestyle, to save ourselves from the deadly pandemic. Our life is now in our hands, Just follow the rules and save yourself !