Soybeans: 9 Health Benefits and 5 Risks associated

Soybeans, being a part of the legume family are a source of high quality proteins and one amongst the only two plant based foods with essential amino acids in quantities similar to that of non vegetarian food. It is a great food of protein for lactose intolerant people since it is lactose free.

In some cases it is also recommended to deal few of the symptoms of high cholesterol, diabetes, high blood pressure, symptoms of menopause, heart disease and premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

There are numerous benefits of Soybeans, let us have a look at them.

Benefits of Soybeans:

Soybeans: 9 Health Benefits and 5 Risks associated
  • Controls Blood Pressure:

Multiple studies have proved that adding soybeans to the diet reduces systolic and diastolic blood pressure by a considerable number. Thus helps in maintaining proper Blood Pressure especially the high blood pressure.

  • Diarrhoea:

Many studies have proven that feeding the infants soy fibre supplement formula along with rehydration solution decrease the duration of diarrhoea.

  • Reduced risk of Breast Cancer:

Even though there is no considerable proof, it is believed that if women start consuming soy rich food at an earlier age in their life the risk of Breast Cancer is reduced. However, soy supplements in no way reduce the risk of cancer.

  • Controls Chronic Kidney Ailments:

People with Kidney disease have high levels of protein in their urine, soy decreases those levels and also helps in removing other waste products, such as phosphorus and creatinine.

  • Cures Irritable Bowel Syndrome:

Eating Soy Isoflavones reduces Stomach pain due to irritable Bowel Syndrome. Soybeans are also rich in fibre so they help in managing bowel movements.

  • Reduces problems after menopause:

Many women experience hot flushes after menopause. Studies have shown that accommodating soy Isoflavones reduces those problems.

  •  Diabetes:

Few studies had supported the claim that having a diet high in soy helps prevent the individual from the risk of developing diabetes (excluding gestational diabetes).

  • Cholesterol:

Replacing dietary protein with the soy fibre products seems to reduce high level of cholesterol or other fats (lipids) in the blood, thus slightly aiding in reduced total cholesterol and bad cholesterol (LDL).

  • Muscle building:

Soy protein consumption through mouth also increases muscle strength, thus working as whey protein, dairy protein and beef protein.

It also increases the bone mineral density (BMD) which helps to cure weak and brittle bone conditions appearing in osteoporosis.

Risks associated with Soybeans:

  • Might lead to Kidney Failure:

Overdose of Soybean might lead to Kidney Failure. Soybeans contain Phytoestrogens. Higher levels of Phytoestrogens are toxic. People with kidney failure should avoid eating it.

  • Not suitable for people with Milk allergies:

Children that are allergic to Milk might not find Soy suitable. In those cases it must be avoided.

  • Increased Risk of Kidney stones:

Soybeans are rich in a chemical compound called Oxalate. Oxalates are the main component of Kidney Stone. Consuming higher levels of Soybeans, therefore, increases the risk of Kidney Stones.

  • Pregnancy:

Soy consumption in larger amount while in pregnancy is possibly considered unsafe as it may harm the development of the baby.

  • Allergy:

Its consumption is found to cause serious allergic reactions in case when the consumer is allergic to peanuts and other members of the Fabaceae plant family.

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