On early Wednesday, Georgia waits for the result of the primary elections pierced with a serious problem, after the long , and frustrating hours of waiting due to the malfunctioning of voting machines all over the state.
The attention was on Jon Ossoff, the Democrat who acquired national headlines in 2017 with an intense but unsuccessful congressional race in Atlanta, that capture his party’s nomination in a race of a Senate seat.
On Wednesday, he was ahead of Sarah Riggs Amico, former candidate for lieutenant governor. But still, a short 50 percent vote threshold needed to avoid a runoff.
It is expected that the general elections in November, in the state are expected to be competitive and could help balance power in Congress. A business executive, Mr. Perdue, who is seeking a second term, highlighted his close relationship with President. It argued that Georgia’s business climate has helped.
Mr. Salango, a country commissioner from Charleston, defeated a Stephen Smith, a director who ran as a progressive in the mold of Senator Bernie Sanders. A conservative Democrat, Ron Stollings serves in the State Senate and other two candidates.
Since 1996, West Virginia voters skew conservative and the sate has backed a Democrat for President. This was also the last time the state elected a Republican governor, Cecil H. Underwood.