The COVID-19 crisis existing around the whole world has become a nightmare. Everyone, working to get rid of it and looking forward to live a normal life. Daily new challenges are coming forward, posing more threat to lives.
A new study was done by the British researchers, which came forward with the result that the virus is even attacking the brain. It is said that COVID-19 can lead to serious issues with the brain.
The researchers have also put forward that, it is not only the people with more than 60 years of age, who are prone to severe illness. But the virus is affecting those less than 60 years of age group.
Not only this but the pregnant women are more likely to get infected by the disease.
According to British researchers, who studied 125, COVID -19 cases, who were hospitalized. Out of them around 77 patients, we’re affected by the stroke, which caused a blood clot in the brain.
According to research, 39 patients were less than 60 years age and many were analyzed with psychiatric disorders.
Researchers then analyzed the data of 326,000 women of reproductive age who were affected by COVID -19. They said that around 8000 of them were pregnant.
Researchers have requested pregnant women to take specific measures to prevent exposure to the deadly disease.