Facebook advertising boycott organisers have received good support from the major companies. The organisers are trying to take the battle to the global level, so that the pressure can be created on the social media company to remove the hate speeches.
On Saturday, chief executive of Common Sense Media, Jim Steyer, told in an interview that the campaign #StopHateforProfit will begin in Europe.
Till now the campaign has received it’s support from 160 companies.
The campaign was launched following the death of George Floyd, by not only Free Press and Common Sense, but it was also supported by the U.S. civil rights groups Color of Change and the Anti-Defamation League.
On Sunday, Starbucks has also announced that the company will stop advertising on the social media platform. Though it added that the company is not supporting the #StopHateForProfit boycott campaign. The company is even said that they will be talking with civil rights organizations and media partners to stop the spread of hate speech.
On Friday, even Coca Cola has announced to stop the advertising on social media platforms.
Unilever informed that the company will be stopping social media advertisement by 31st Dec.
It has been reported that Facebook has brought the revenue globally from its advertiser up to $69.7 billion.